Avoid a Scam With The March Group

Through the wonders of the web, we are connected to the world.  Normally, this is a great innovation for our business, but it also has opened up new ways to be targeted for scams, frauds and lawsuits.  While you were out working on establishing a name for your business, increasing revenue and gaining credibility in your sector, other nefarious but web savvy folks have been figuring out ways to damage your business and then offer help to revive it.   At The March Group, we are familiar with this targeted approach to wreck havoc on your good name, and we are poised to defend it.  We educate our business owners on the best and most effective approach to guard and defend your business from internet scam and attack.

But how can you decide which M&A firm is the best for your unique business?   When investigating the best Mergers and Acquisitions firm to help with the sale of your business, look for positive referrals, contact your local or national Better Business Bureau or ask to speak with actual clients who have successfully gone through the buying and selling process.  This free feedback offers the best ‘expert’ advice for your business and these referrals have nothing to gain from their honesty.  For more information on buying or selling a business contact The March Group at www.marchgroup.com or call 866-663-5806.

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4 Comments on “Avoid a Scam With The March Group”

  1. asvd Says:

    After the emergence of internet fraudulent activities has really increased. If a group starts one bad fraud campaign again the company, it spread like virus and it damages the entire business. A company coming out and helping us from online fraud is really great.

  2. MikeW Says:

    Great advice in this post. These days, anyone with a computer can publish a blog and post untrue items that can damage a firm’s reputation. The internet doesn’t come with an eraser – it’s very difficult to remove untrue information from search engine results. It’s great that The March Group is proactive in advising clients on how to protect their firm’s good name.

  3. Pratt Says:

    Any jealous person can take advantage of internet Media to spoil good name of any business, hence it is very important for one to stay updated and aware with latest news and happenings regarding the business scams, frauds and lawsuits.
    I’m really happy and impressed with The March Group. They are doing their best in providing useful information to and for business world. The steps taken by March group will surely help companies to maintain their reputation and business relations with clients.

  4. rashmi Says:

    This post reminded me of an article I read on malwares which talked about the advancement in cyber crimes in relation to the increased awareness among the internet users. However, it is surprising that there are still so many people who fall in such apparent traps. Good effort on part of the author.

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